
Student work must be graded at our school. I use this chart (similar to a rubric) to assign grades.

To use the chart, I print it in three columns, A, B, and C. Then I underline the comments that best apply to the student's work. The column that has the most underlined comments determines the grade. Grades can be "fine-tuned" with a + or a -.


Pictures or dioramas show an important scene from the story/book.

Puppet shows or plays include all important elements of the plot.

Student writes survey or interview questions that relate to the theme of the story/book. Student presents his/her findings clearly.

Poetry, original stories, or books show a related theme, and writing conventions are correct 90% of the time or more.

Items made as a result of reading the story/book show originality OR careful consideration for instructions found in the book/story.

The work is original and shows effort.


Pictures or dioramas do not clearly show an important scene from the story.

Puppet shows or plays are too short and leave out important elements of the story.

Survey or interview questions have been provided by the teacher because the student could not come up with his/her own. Findings are not presently clearly.

Poetry, original stories, or books are less related to the theme, and/or writing conventions are 80-89% correct.

Items made as a result of reading the story/book are not original OR show little attention to following directions.

Less originality and effort are shown.


Pictures or dioramas are inaccurate or carelessly made.

Puppet shows or plays are short, students are disruptive while presenting them.

Survey or interview questions are not completed. Questions included are simple "yes" or "no" questions.

Poetry, original stories, or books show little relation to the theme, and/or writing conventions are less than 80% correct.

Items made as a result of reading the story/book are incomplete, carelessly made, or copied.

Very little originality or effort is shown.

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