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Mrs. Williams
Waterman Elementary School
Waterman, Illinois


Pie baking
Bumpy, orange, round
Carve Jack O Lantern Faces


Crunchy, crackle,
Leaves are falling
Purple, yellow, red, brown


Leaves falling
Orange, red, yellow
Pretty time of year


Farmers harvesting
Leaves are crunchy
Weather gets much colder


Orange, tasty
Yummy spicy pie
Jack-o-lantern faces


People knocking,
Kids getting candy,
Silly, funny, happy, scary,


It’s scary,
Time for trick-or-treating.
Ghosts and goblins howl.


Goblins, pumpkins,
Witches, cats and ghosts
Children are running tonight


Goblins scary
Ghosts, witches, cats
Go trick or treating


Monsters running
Trick or treating
Don’t go in there!


What to Do If You’re Autumn
Make the sun go down quicker.
Make it colder outside.
Color the leaves.
Make the red leaves fall.
Make a mess.
Put the animals to sleep.
Make the birds fly south.
My animals will store food.
I will show a harvest moon.


What to Do If You’re Autumn
Have the crops picked.
Bring rainy weather.
Make it colder outside.
Help the leaves fall off the trees.
Change the colors of the leaves.


What Happens In Autumn
The leaves fall on the ground.
Daylight gets shorter.
Leaves turn colors.
Weather gets colder.
The grass gets brown.
The apple orchards get busy.
It rains more.
Geese fly south.


What Happens In Autumn
The leaves change colors.
The grass turns brown.
The weather gets cold.
People play football games.
The days get shorter.
The nights get longer.
Sunrise is later in the morning.
Sunset comes earlier.


What Happens In Autumn
Petals fall from flowers.
Ducks and geese fly south.
Things stop growing.
People burn leaves.
Then pumpkins arrive in stores.


What Happens In Autumn
Leaves change colors.
People burn leaves.
Pumpkins are ready to be picked.
It gets colder.
It rains more.
The ducks fly south.
The grass dies.


What to Do If You Are Autumn
Make the days colder.
Get pumpkins ready to pick.
Help squirrels find their nuts.
Change the colors of the leaves.
Orchards sell apples.
Birds fly south.
Hard winds blow.
Leaves begin falling.


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Lesson: The Reason for the Seasons


Demonstrate that seasons exist because of the tilt of the earth and its impact on the intensity of the sunlight at a given location.


    • The earth does not get closer or farther from the sun. The earth is always the same distance from the sun.
    • The changes in seasons are related to the directness of the sun's rays on the earth at any given time.
    • The children could see when the Northern Hemisphere would be having winter, and summer and that the Southern Hemisphere would be having the opposite season.
    • Observe when it is daytime on one side of the earth it is night on the other side of the earth.


Model magic or Styrofoam balls
Wooden skewers
Floor lamp without shade


At the beginning of school we made a weather chart. The weather chart contained the daily high and low temperatures, the precipitation, weather conditions, and the time of sunrise and sunset. When I was ready to begin the "Seasons Lesson", we discussed the 4 seasons and brainstormed the changes we see in the fall. The results of the brainstorming were placed on chart paper. Next we looked at the weather chart and noticed more changes were occurring. We also listed them on our brainstorming chart.


1. We read The Reason's for the Seasons by Gail Gibbons.

2. We made a model of the earth out of Model Magic. (Play Dough or even an orange would work.)

3. In an effort to replicate the axis of our planet, a wooden skewer was inserted through the center of the Model Magic planet. The children were then able to rotate their planet by turning the skewer. The children observed in the book and by looking at our classroom globe that the earth's axis is not straight up and down but on an angle. They practiced holding their model on a slight angle.

4. Students added a red push pin midway between the North Pole and the equator and a blue push pin midway between the South Pole and the equator. The push pins represent people in each hemisphere. Next a floor lamp was placed in the center of the room, representing the sun. A clothesline was placed in a circle around the floor lamp. The clothesline represents the orbit of the earth. We turned off the classroom lights and each student took their planet for a "walk"around the sun. The teacher should explain the tilt of the earth does not change and students should be careful not to change the tilt of the earth as they revolve around the sun. Other children can help keep a watchful eye.

6. As the children move their planet around the "sun" have them stop halfway and ask "Is the sun bright or more direct for the red person or the blue person? Do you think it is hotter for the red person or the blue person? When do you think it would be the hottest time of the year for the red person? What season do you think they are having? What time of the year do you think the blue person would be having? Give each student an opportunity to explore.

7. Teacher should point out that if the Northern Hemisphere has winter the Southern Hemisphere would have the opposite season. As the children continue to move around the sun they should realize where in space the earth would be during the different seasons.

 Vocabulary Words:

  • Northern Hemisphere
  • Southern Hemisphere
  • revolution
  • orbit
  • equator


1. Students complete a worksheet which shows a two-dimensional model for the positions of the seasons of the earth around the sun and label the seasons for each position.

2. Sketch what the season of fall represents to them. For example they might draw a picture of their street and show the fall changes they might see there.

3. Using the brainstorming chart for reference each student should write a poem or short story about fall and illustrate it.


Rubric for the Poem


6 4 2 0   Each line of poem begins with a capital letter.

6 4 2 0   Words are spelled correctly on final paper.

6 4 2 0   Each line of the poem stays on the topic.

6 4 2 0   Students chose some interesting words for their poem.

6 4 2 0   Student shows knowledge of the autumn season.

Total of 30 points possible

30-28 = Excellent

27-23 = Satisfactory

22 and below 19 = Unsatisfactory