Mrs. Vaianella and Mrs. Tilmont

Orphan Train Lesson Plan by Linda Vaianella (requires Inspiration software)

Orphan Train Lesson Plan by Laurie Tilmont  (requires Inspiration software)

Orphan Train Lesson Plan by Janice Uptegrove and Andrea VanCleave (requires Kidspiration software)

Orphan Train Rider Lesson Plan by Beverly Chauvin (The Power Point Presentation is slow to load but well worth the wait)

Iowa Orphan Train Project  A Roy J. Carver Trust Project ( lesson plan, book list, resources)

The Orphan Trains  by PBS ( to be used with The American Experience video)

Using Literature to Teach About the Orphan Train by Karen Beid (Orphan Train links and book list)

Andrea Warren's Homepage (an interview with this wonderful author)