Mrs. DeSmet's Second Grade Class |
What do owl
feathers feel like?
They feel soft and fluffy. If I closed my eyes and felt them I could easily mistake them for fur. Most owls have dark gray and brown marking feathers. The colors provide good camouflage. Brianna F. |
How to owlets learn to fly? Owls learn to fly with lots of practice. Parents encourage them by dangling a tasty meal at a distance. The first year of an owls life is the most dangerous. Lacie L. |
Do owls make noise when they fly? Owls wings are well padded with soft, velvety
feathers. The feathers William C. |
Do owls come in different sizes? Most owls are rather large birds. But some are no bigger than a sparrow. Owls are very easy birds to identify. Owls are found everywhere on Earth, except in the polar regions. Stephanie G. |
What are the tufts on some owls heads? The tufts on owls heads are like horns or
ears. The tufts are special Cole R. |
Where do owls lay their eggs? Owls lay their eggs in a hole in a tree, in a crack in a cliff, or in a slight hollow they scratch into the ground. Many owls move into an abandoned nest that some other bird built the year before. Tell C. |
Do all owls hoot? Owls use lots of different calls to warn off
unwelcome animals. Some Jake K. |
Can owls see in the daylight? They see as well in the daylight as we do. They do not see nearby objects clearly. In fact day or night an owl cant focus sharply on its own feet. Cherilyn H. |
What do owls like to eat? They will not eat any thing except meat. It depends
on how big the owl Seth K. |
Why are owls eyes so big? If the eyes in your head took up as much room as an
owls each of your Curt S. |
What are the rings around an owls eyes for? The rings of curved feathers surround each of the owls eyes are called facial discs. The eye rings are important to the owl because they help in hearing. The feathers in the facial discs area attached to muscles that control the shape of the ears. Just as a dog moves its ears to hear better, an owl moves these rings of feathers to locate sounds. Lucas L. |
How does an owl show that it is upset? It shoots up the two tuffs of feathers on it s head. Also when owls are threatened the tuffs lay flat. Curtis Talley |
What do baby owls look like? They have fluffy white feathers. They grow quick. They can eat more than an adult. Ashlee P. |
When do owls do their hunting? Dusk is when most owls start their hunting. They
usually hunt mice and Chris R. |
How do owls use their toes? Owls use their toes for perching, walking,
grabbing, carrying. Owls Tiffany S. |