Mrs. Nash's Second Grade Class |
Facts 1. Owls are nocturnal. 2. Their wing span can be up to 2 meters. 3. Some live in Wisconsin. 4. Pygmy owls hunt at dawn and dusk. 5. Most owls have rounded faces. 6. Owls surprise their prey. 7. Their wings have soft feathers. 8. All owls have large heads. 9. All owls have claw 10. Some owls have stripes or spots. 11. Most owls have different eyes than others. 12. All owls eat field mice. ACROSTIC POEM Owls are nocturnal Wing span can be up to 2 meters Live in Wisconsin Pygmy owls hunt at dawn and dusk Rounded face Owls surprise their prey Wings have soft feathers Large heads
by Kayla
1. Where they live Most of the Great Horned Owls live in the forests of North America. They also live in city parks and caves. 2. How they hunt and eat They fly silently and at night. The owls head snaps back and its feet stretch forward. It digs its claws (talons) into its food and carries it away. The owl uses its beak to tear the animal into small pieces. It usually swallows the animal pieces whole. They eat skunks, bats, rabbits and mice. 3. Life Span They may live to be about 25 years old..larger owls may 4. How the owls body protects itself They have brown rust feathers. They usually are in a striped pattern which makes it difficult for them to be seen. They can fluff their feathers to make them look twice as big as they really are. They also fly silently which protects them. 5. Other interesting facts They have a keen sense of sight and hearing. They can see better than humans but only in black and white. They lay their eggs in February and hatch in March. Baby owls (owlets) begin to fly at 10 weeks. The Great Horned Owl has been around for 35 million years.
O is for the Great Horned Owl. W is for wide feathers. L is for large tufts of "horns."
P is for prey, including rabbits,rats, and mice. R is for range, because the Great Horned Owl is found throughout North and South America. O is for owlet, another name for a baby owl. W is for white throat patch or bib. L is for cliff ledges, tree cavities, and old nests where owls roost.
Samantha's Owl Facts 1. They live near farms and fields.2. They eat mice and they hunt at night. 3. Its known for its heart-shaped face,small eyes and long legs. 4. The eggs of the common barn owl, usually five to seven in number, are chalky,unmarked white. 5. It hisses and shrieks. 6. It has dark eyes. 7. It is middle sized. 8. No nest is built, but eggs are laid in some safe place like churches and barn. Samantha's Poem Shriek! Shriek! Hiss! Hiss! Screams the father owl at night, hunting for mice when the moon is bright. Shriek! Shriek! Cries the mother owl watching over her nest when the moon is bright. Hiss! Hiss! Whines the baby owls waiting for food when the moon is bright. Shriek! Shriek! Hoots the family with delight, after eating their dinner when the moon is bright.