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Mrs. Nuite and Mrs. Hibbard
Dexter Primary School
Dexter, Maine
Apology Poetry


Dear Pumpkin,
I am sorry that
I carved you with my tools.
Please forgive me.
But now you are my
scary Jack-o-lantern.
by Brandon M.
Dear Pumpkin,
I am sorry that I
smashed you up into pieces.
Please forgive me.
But now you are
a tasty pumpkin pie.
by Joshua

Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that I smashed you.
Give me one more chance.
Forgive me.
Now you are my orange pumpkin pie.
by Daisy

Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for painting a face on you.
It must have felt silly.
Please forgive me.
But now I have a silly looking pumpkin
in my bedroom.
by Thomas C.

Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry for smashing you
on my front lawn.
Please forgive me.
But now you are a yummy pumpkin pie.
by Lucas
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry I carved you into
a Jack-o-lantern.
Please forgive me.
But now you are my scary
by Shekinah
Dear Pumpkin,
It's pitiful that I
twisted you and
carved you.
Please forgive me.
But now you are
my sad Jack-o-lantern.
by Ashley A.
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry for smashing you
into pieces.
Please forgive me.
But now you are
my yummy pumpkin pie.
by Bub
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that
I carved you into a
Please forgive me.
Now you are my
scary Jack-o-lantern.
by Brian

Dear Pumpkin,
I'm miserable because I
cut holes in you.
Please forgive me.
Now you are my Jack-o-lantern.
I will save you until Halloween
then I will light you up
with a candle
and sit you on my porch.
by Kaleb
Dear Pumpkin,
I am sorry that I carved you
into a Jack-o-lantern
and gutted you on my deck.
But now you are my
happy Jack-o-lantern.
by Beckie
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for smashing you
in my backyard.
It must have made you sad.
Please forgive me.
But now I have cooked you
and made you into a
delicious pumpkin cake.
by Hunter

Dear Pumpkin,
It's pitiful that I
peeled the skin off you.
Please forgive me.
But now you are a
warm mouse house.
by Brandon B.
Dear Pumpkin,
Please forgive me for
smashing you into pieces
and cooking you in a hot oven.
I apologize.
But now you are my
delicious pumpkin pie.
by Allen
Dear Pumpkin,
Please pardon me
for carving you into
a Jack-o-lantern.
Now you are my friend
and you scare people.
by Cody
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for smashing you
into pieces. Oh my.
Please forgive me.
But now I have picked up
all your pieces and
baked you into a
delicious pumpkin pie.
by James T.
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry for chopping you
and cooking you in the oven.
Please forgive me.
But now you are
my delicious pumpkin pie.
by Anthony
Dear Pumpkin,
It's pitiful that I cut your top off
with a sharp knife.
I am also sorry for putting
a candle in you
because it might make you rot.
Please pardon me.
But you look beautiful.
by Kyrstie
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that I cooked you
in my hot oven.
Please excuse me.
But now you are my
tasty pumpkin pie.
by Jasmine
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that I carved your face
with a knife.
Please forgive me.
But now you're a
scary skeleton pumpkin.
by Thomas R.
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that I dropped you.
Please forgive me.
But now you lay on the ground
and roll around.
by Jennifer
Dear Pumpkin,
I apopogize for putting a candle
inside of you.
It burned you
and it hurt you.
I felt ashamed of myself.
But now everyone can see you.
by Maureen
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that I
cooked you in my hot oven.
Please forgive me.
But now you are my
delicious pumpkin pie.
by Kelly
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for cutting you open
from the top.
It must have hurt.
Please pardon me.
Now you are my beautiful
by Elizabeth
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for dropping you
on the ground.
I'm very sorry that I dropped
you on the ground.
Please forgive me.
But now you are my
frightening Jack-o-lantern.
by Robert
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for cutting you in half
with a sharp knife.
Please forgive me.
But now you are a
delicious pumpkin pie.
by Gary
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that I
hurt your feelings
by cutting you open
with a sharp knife.
Please forgive me.
But now you are
a loaf of tasty pumpkin bread.
by Ruth
Dear Pumpkin,
I am sorry that I dropped you
when I was trying to lift you
onto the table to carve you.
Please forgive me.
I took your pieces
and made them into
a delicious pumpkin pie.
by Mitchell
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that I cut you open
so that I could eat you.
Please forgive me.
But now you are tasty pumpkin cookies.
by Tyler H.
Dear Pumpkin,
Please forgive me
for painting you.
It is pitiful.
But now you are my
beautiful pumpkin face.
by Kara
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that I bought you
at the store instead of picking
you in the patch.
Please forgive me.
But now you are my pretty pumpkin that
I painted and you sit in my window
for everyone to look at.
by Brittany
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm so sorry that I picked you
from your pumpkin patch.
Please forgive me.
But now I will use your seeds
to plant another pumpkin patch
for next year.
by Kenneth
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for carving you
on the top and peeling your skin off.
Please forgive me.
But now you are leaving
a good smell
in my living room.
by Ashley P.
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry that
I carved a face on you
with my butcher knife.
Please pardon me.
But now you glow in the dark
and you scare people.
by Beth
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm sorry, but I picked you because
I wanted a pumpkin pie.
Please forgive me.
Now I am enjoying eating my
delicious pumpkin pie.
by Tyler C.
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for cutting you open.
I guess you're mine now.
Now I can peel your skin off, cook you,
bake you in a hot oven,
and eat you.
Please forgive me.
Now you're a delicious pumpkin pie.
by Jessica
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for cutting you open
and taking your seeds out.
Please forgive me.
But now your seeds are a tasty snack.
by Claire
Dear Pumpkin,
I'm miserable because I slit you open,
took your seeds out, cut you up,
and put you in a hot oven.
Please forgive me.
But now you are delicious pumpkin pie
and I am anxious to eat you.
by Devon
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for cutting you open
and for hurting you with my knife.
Please forgive me.
But now you look like a funny
Jack-o-lantern with big teeth.
by Jacob
Dear Pumpkin,
I apologize for smashing you
with a truck in my driveway.
Please pardon me.
But now you're my yummy
pumpkin pie.
by Christian