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Miss Gamache's Class
Lebanon Elementary School
Lebanon, Connecticut
Five W's Poetry


My sister
ate pumpkin muffins
in the cafeteria
at 12:00 in the afternoon
because the kids were hungry

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A big scarecrow
smashed the pumpkin
on the sidewalk
in the afternoon
because he was angry.

A black cat
climbed a pumpkin
in the pumpkin patch
at 9:00 in the morning
because he wanted to open the lid.

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A butterfly
ate a pumpkin
in a house
at 10:30 in the afternoon
because it tasted good.

A second grader
was picking a pumpkin
in the garden
on Wednesday morning
because she wanted to make pumpkin pie.

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A white ghost
ate a pumpkin muffin
on the green
at 12:30 at night
because he wanted to know what it tasted like.

A little gray squirrel
picked a pumpkin
at a farm
early in the morning
because he was starving.

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A little fawn
ate pumpkin pie
on the Empire State Building in New York city
at one am
because someone put him there.