A pumpkin
had a runny nose.
As runny as can be.
He went to Dr. Frankenstein
Who gave him buckets of weeds.
The pumpkin was as sick as can be.
A witch gave him snails and a snake.
He went to bed and rubbed his head,
But he still had a stomachache.
By Jamie

There once was a lady who swallowed a pumpkin
A few days later her tummy grew bigger and bigger 'til she couldn't
She went to the doctor, the doctor said,
"I do not know what is wrong with you."
The lady went home to wonder why.
The pumpkin came out
And she had pumpkin pie.
By Cassandra

One day I grew a pumpkin.
My brother grew one too.
Our pumpkins grew real big.
They grew real big, they did.
By Amy

One night Jack the Pumpkin,
Sat on a window sill.
"Hi, Jack," said the cat.
"There goes your meal the rat," said Jack.
"I'd better get that rat," said the cat.
Along came a bat.
"Hi, Jack," said the bat.
"What are you doing?" said Jack.
"Eating insects and getting fat!"
By Seth

My pumpkin was very strong.
But there was a problem.
My sister's was very long.
So I didn't know what to do.
Then a miracle surprise,
My sister's pumpkin shrank.
And I won the prize.
By Kyle

One day a girl had a pumpkin.
It grew 'til she was grown up.
The pumpkin was good to eat.
By Jacob

Like Pumpkin Pies
I like pumpkin pies.
Do you like pumpkin pies?
Yes, I like pumpkin pies.
But, pumpkin pies do not like me.
By Kendra

Big Pumpkin
The pumpkin in my garden
Grew and grew and grew.
When I tried to pick it up,
Splat! Up it blew.
By Kyla

The Witch had a big pumpkin.
The pumpkin grew and grew.
The pumpkin got so big, the witch picked it.
She carved it into a Jack-o-lantern.
Another Witch came along and smashed it.
She picked another pumpkin.
She carved it up again.
The jack-o-lantern didn't get smashed.
It was a good Halloween.
By Jeremiah

Pumpkin Pie
I found a little pumpkin seed.
I planted it that night.
It grew into a little sprout.
The plant grew out of sight.
There was a little flower.
Then a pumpkin grew and grew.
And my oh my
It made a tasty pumpkin pie.
By Ladd

One day Jim grew a pumpkin.
Jim's pumpkin grew and grew.
He took it to a contest
And there it won a prize.
It never would stop growing.
It was bigger than his house.
By Dalton

My mom picked a pumpkin.
And she made a pie, but why?
"Why," she said, "to eat!"
By Evan

I have seven pumpkin seeds.
I'm going to plant four pumpkins.
I gave one to my grandpa.
I gave one to my grandma.
I gave one to my friend.
We laid them in the garden
By Autumn

Pumpkins are orange.
Pumpkins are green.
But do not worry.
It's not to be seen.
By Jacqui

Pumpkin Town
I had a great big pumpkin.
I said to my dog Rumpkin,
"It's so big it squashed the garden."
I'll chop it down
And build a town.
By Terence

I met a girl that had a pumpkin.
She let me borrow her pumpkin for a day.
I messed it up.
She said, "That's okay."
"Stop!" I said, "It's not okay."
And I gave her mine.
By Elisha

One day I found a pumpkin,
But the pumpkin was too heavy.
My dad came by the garden.
He had an ax.
He chopped it off the vine.
I was happy at last.
I rolled the pumpkin home.
By Aaron

Candy Stealer
A pumpkin was following me Halloween night.
He tried to steal my candy.
I ran away as fast as I could using my flashlight.
I ran to my friend Sandy.
The pumpkin ran faster and I fell in some plaster.
And he stole all of my candy.
By Lacy
