Miss Huling's First Grade Class
Donaldson Elementary School
Oakdale, Pennsylvania
Sunshine On My Shoulders

Our school chose not to do Earth Day activities on Earth Day this year. This was primarily due to the inclement weather. Instead, we are having a Habitat Day on May 20, when the weather is warmer (hopefully :o) ) and the ground is drier. All grades will be participating in improving the area around our school. Since our school opened in September 2003 and then we had construction for an addition in Summer 2004, our grounds are not where we would like them to be. This day will allow us to learn about habitats and to begin to create some new ones for the living creatures in the area.
The book which I used is a wonderful book, Sunshine On My Shoulders ©2003, by John Denver and beautifully illustrated by Christopher Canyon. Christopher Canyon illustrates beautiful books about nature for children. Last week he visited in another school district nearby. We discussed the fun things that can be done and experienced on a beautiful sunny day. The students drew pictures with Kid Pix. We will be using these same pictures when we write a story on Habitat Day.
Learning Standards:

PA Standards

1.1 Learning to Read Independently

1.2 Reading Critically in All Content Areas

1.6 Speaking and Listening

1.8 Research

Science and Technology 3.3 Biological Science

3.6 Technology Education

3.7 Technological Devices

3.8 Science, Technology and Human Endeavors

Environment and Ecology 4.6 Ecosystems and Their Interactions

4.8 Humans and the environment

© Susan Silverman & Linda Brandon - Beautiful Spring, Beautiful Earth 2005