Earth Day Resources and Activities

Graphics on this page designed by Ms.Huling's class

For Students

For Teachers

Spring Into Life Interactive Activities
Springtime fun activities

Earth Day Games
Fun and educational Earth Day games

A treasure chest of Earth Day delights

Create a Pond
No need to wear boots

Color Our World Bright and Beautiful
Get ready, get set, it's time to color!

Earth Day Groceries Project
Participate in this cost-free environmental awareness project in which students decorate paper grocery bags with environmental messages for Earth Day. It is one of the oldest and largest educational projects on the Internet.

What's Your EQ? (From Time for Kids)

EPA Student Center
Activities and resources for students

A wealth of excellent teaching ideas

Best Lessons on Earth Day
An extensive list of resources and lessons

Earth Day Curriculum Research Links
A huge collection of informational sites, classroom activities, online and printable activities

The Great Kapok Tree CyberGuide
Recommended for upper primary students

The Lorax CyberGuide
A recycling unit designed for lower primary students

ReadWriteThink Earth Day Calendar
Lessons, resources and suggested books

Celebrate Earth Day in Our National Parks (from Time for Kids)
Lots of activities and information about Earth Day and our national parks

Kids for Saving the Earth
Provides free environmental education curriculum by mail and online.

Earth Day Readers' Theater Script
Thanks to Marci McGowan for sending this along to us!

