Mrs. Schumacher's First Grade Class
Clinton Avenue Elementary School
Port Jefferson Station, New York
Kids for the Earth

For this project, my first grade students had the opportunity to discuss and explore the ways in which people and animals use the earth, the importance of the resources found on Earth, and things we can do to help protect and preserve our planet. We did this through a variety of assignments that utilized many elements of our literacy program. These activities included, a shared reading of a big book, Kids For The Earth, brainstorming and interactively writing our ideas about ways to preserve our planet and participating in a project at the computer center using Kidspiration. The children used critical-thinking skills to discover and find ways that we use certain resources on Earth.

New York State Learning Standards
English Language Arts: Learning Standards 1,2,3,4
Mathematics, Science and Technology: Learning Standards 2,4,6,7
The Arts: Learning Standards 1,3

© Susan Silverman & Linda Brandon - Beautiful Spring, Beautiful Earth 2005