Day Seven
Seeing with Your Ears

Echolocation is the process of using sound to navigate and find food in the dark.  To demonstrate how sound travels">

Day Seven
Seeing with Your Ears

Echolocation is the process of using sound to navigate and find food in the dark.  To demonstrate how sound travels, we listened to the sound made by a triangle and pointed to the direction in which we heard the sound traveling.  Next, we experienced how it felt to use our ears to catch an insect.  Some of us acted as insects and used instruments to make soft noises while some of us were blindfolded and used our ears to hear the insects.  We decided that it must be hard for insectivorous bats to find their food.

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Day Eight
Bat Characteristics

We matched some descriptive phrases about bats to the correct bat faces.  The clues that we heard about the bats helped us to make the matches.  After talking about different bat characteristics, we made our own bat masks.

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