Nancy Wojciechowski |
Computer Team
Our team met for eight weeks after school to learn more about bats and how to use the Internet. We researched bats using our classroom computer, the library and the book The Magic School Bus: Goes Batty.Our team had the honor of presenting our project to the superintendents and principals in our district. We presented bat facts and showed how we linked what we learned to this page. Our presentation showed that primary kids have the ability to use the Internet to do research. We also showed that computers provide opportunities for lifelong learning. We hope you enjoy the facts we present here as well as the pictures and drawings the team created |
Pipistrelle Eastern Pipistrelle Bats eat different kinds of food like toads, lizards, frogs, insects and other things. They live in caves. Eastern Pipistrelles sleep during the day and fly in the night. They are reddish-brown. While the eastern Pipistrelle Bats hibernate, they are often covered with water droplets, which sparkle and make them look white. |
Bats The Silver-haired bat is a tree bat. When you look out your window at night, you might mistake the light for one of these silver-haired creatures. It is medium-sized, nearly black and has silvery tipped hairs giving it a frosty look. Silver-haired bats live in evergreens and trees. When it's time for bed, they wrap their wings around their wings around their babies.Silver-haired bats like to roost under pieces of bark. They like to eat insects, especially moths and flies. Silver-haired bats usually migrate to mines in Indiana and Illinois for the winter. |
Hoary Bats Hoary bats like to eat insects, frogs, toads, lizards, and other things. Hoary bats live in trees. They sleep during the day and fly around at night to look for food. Hoary bats get their name from the white hairs sprinkled over their red-brown fur. The fur looks frosted because the red bat, which is smaller the hoary of trees to rest during the daytime. The hoary bat migrates when cold weather comes. Most people may never see one of these bats. |
Myotis Northern Myotis Bats are dull brown with a yellow belly. This bats wing span is 270-310mm (about 10 feet). These bats send out sounds from their mouths and the sounds spread out in waves. The waves keep going until they hit a tree or insect. Bats use echolocation to help them get around while they are flying at night. Northern Myotis Bats live in caves and usually hibernate in-groups of four to six. Bats use their ears but not their eyes. Some people think that bats are blind but they aren't. Bats are mammals just like us. They have furry bodies and wings with no hair. During the day, they sleep hanging upside down. AT night, they come out to feed. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Their wings are really webbed hands. Thin elastic skin stretches across their long fingers to their hind legs. |
Big Brown Bats
Big Brown Bats like to live alone. They hibernate at the entrance to caves in the winter. If they cannot find a cave, they will hibernate in mines, hollow trees, and in the empty spaces in cliffs. Big Brown Bats are found all over the United States and Mexico. These are the kind of bats you might find in your attic. Many bats have unique faces and ears. Some people think that bats are ugly. Actually, bats have adapted to their environment. Their appearance helps them with their echolocation. The shape of the bats nose and mouth helps them to communicate. They close their mouths and produce sounds like a hum. Bats have long lives. Their average life expectancy is fifteen years. Some have been known to live for thirty years or more. |
Brown Bats Little Brown Bats sleep almost their whole lives. They sleep during the day. Little Brown Bats eat insects. They hunt at night where they can eat up to 4,500 insects. Each night they eat more than their body weight! Little Brown Bats live in caves. They hibernate there for the winter. If left undisturbed the Little Brown Bat would hibernate for almost seven months. Little Brown Bats are some of the most likely bats to live in bat houses. Little Brown Bats are brown and furry. They look cute when they are sleeping, but if you disturb their roost, they can become pretty scary. All bats are mammals. They are warm-blooded and have live babies.
Eastern Red Bat-Kyle Eastern red bats live in big tall trees. Male has bright red or orange -red faces. Females have dull red, brick, or chestnut faces. Their hair is reddish/orangish. Hoary bats are related to red bats. Eastern bat's width is 90 lbs. They eat bugs, lizards and, frogs. |
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