Ms. Jacoby's Second Grade Class
Peirce School
Arlington, Massachusetts

Our class collaborated with Mrs. Coats' class in Berlin, Wisconsin.

Their class had read the book, Dear Mr. Blueberry. In the book Emily writes letters to her teacher, Mr. Blueberry, asking questions about whales. Mr. Blueberry responds with factual information in letter format.

Mrs. Coats' class posed questions about whales and turned these questions into letters to our class, just like in the book. Our class spent lots of time researching these questions and then creating an online book with the answers. It was lots of work, but we had a whale of a time!

For our online book, click    

For more information about our exciting collaboration, click     


Just For Fun!

Click on the whale to see more of our artwork have fun solving the puzzles.


© Patricia Knox, Linda Brandon & Susan Silverman - Whale Tales 2004