Mrs. Rosenquist's Fourth Grade Class
Norwood Avenue Elementary School
Port Jefferson Station, New York

Our 4th grade class researched endangered whales. We used the internet and reference books. Students used the cooperative learning structure called Expert Jigsaw to complete their research. Students were placed in one of 5 different whale groups. Each group had one EXPERT in each of the following areas; migration & habitat, anatomy, behavior, and endangered status.

In the first phase of the project students met in their expert group to research their particular topic. For example, if you were an anatomy expert you worked with other experts to research the anatomy of all 5 whales.

The next step was to return to your Whale group and share your expertise. Each group then decided on the design of their poster, and began working.

The students really enjoyed this project and learned a lot about whales. We hope you enjoy our poster.

The Humpback Whale Migration

© Patricia Knox, Linda Brandon & Susan Silverman - Whale Tales 2004