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I would like to thank all the participants of this project and welcome their feedback.
Susan Silverman
I have enjoyed the work that the children have done in other classes. I know my class will want to see what they have done. I am impressed with the quality of writing I have seen. The art work is excellent as well. I will certainly look for some of the books, with which I am not familiar, to read to my class. I am looking forward to starting our work with the Snow Child on January 5.
Mary Taylor, teacher, Ontario, Canada
This was an eye-opening project for my first-graders. They were not very enthusiastic about editing their writing until they realized that the whole world could read the things they wrote. That made an enormous
difference! You have done a great job at setting up a site where kids from all over the world can contribute and can compare their work to others of the same age. Bravo!
Phyllis Smith, teacher, Naches Trail Elementary, Tacoma, WA
This has been a very exciting project for my children. They loved seeing the results of their work on a web page that the whole world could share.
We'd like to thank all the people who wrote to tell us they enjoyed our thoughts. Special thanks to Susan for a well run project and making us look so good!!
A3-216 & Miss Stolzenberg, Brooklyn, New York
Winter Wonderland has been an exciting project for our class. Thank you,
Susan, for your hard work in putting it all together. It is great to have
a place where students can read what others their age are writing from
around the world. We especially appreciated the entry by Elena Nikitina from Pushkin, Russia. Being a part of this project lead to many integrated lessons on writing, culture, technology, and geography. Thanks so much for the opportunity to be in the company of such great teachers and students!
Sarah Meek, Vancouver, WA
I am so impressed with each and every site that I have seen so far.
There are certainly a lot of talented children in this world and some
wonderful teachers to bring it out in them. I can't wait to see new
pages as they are posted. It's like Christmas all over again. Susan,
you are doing a wonderful job getting these sites put together. We plan to visit over and over again to read the stories, letters, and poems.
Mrs. Teresa Jones, Oklahoma
We love all the projects from the other classes. It is really fun to read what other students have done with the books. We had no snow at the beginning of January, but now we have lots and this weekend we
thought that Perry, Ohio looked like a Winter Wonderland!!! We are all
hoping to read some of the stories and poems and things at home with
our parents and show the pages to our classes.
We liked being a part of Winter Wonderland.....we wonder if Jan Brett
likes our version of The Mitten with Animals from Perry, Ohio.
Mrs. Ward's Students from Perry Elementary in Perry, Ohio