The Black Snowman

By Phil Mendez

Ms. Barrett's Class

Memorial School

Paris, Illinois

We enjoyed the book the Black Snowman very much. We were surprised that two boys from the same environment could react so differently. We had a great discussion and decided we would do three activities. Some of the students wrote the 5 Ws poem, some rewrote the ending, and some made dioramas.

Was collecting cans for his mom
in the morning
because he was making money.
by Jacqueline

Was always happy
In the ghetto
during the day
because he was good.
by Charla

The snowman
Came to life
In the morning
During the winter
Because he had the magic kente.
by Jerremiah

Was happy
In the ghetto
In the morning
Because he liked it.
by Kara

Went to save Peewee
In the ghetto
In the morning
Because the snowman made him feel better.
by Katie

Was in a fire
In the old building
Early one morning
because he was hunting for cans.
by Jaclyn

Is a mean boy
At home
At 8:00
Because he was angry about being black.
by Chris K.

Wanted to collect cans
In the old building across the street
In the early morning
To earn money for his mother's gift.
by Skylar

Was always happy
In the ghetto
During the winter
Because he likes to laugh.
by Josh

Was happy
In the ghetto
In the day
Because he loved Mom and Jacob.
by Jasmine

The Snowman
Came alive
At night
Because he had the kente.
by Ben

Was happy
Out in his yard
in the morning
because Mom loves them.
by Jimmy

The following projects are new story endings

Peewee goes out to look for cans. He went outside to look in a dumpster. He found three cans. Then he went down the street and he lost his way home. Then he found ten cans for his mom. Now he can buy a present for his mom. He went down the street and he got home safe.
by Ryan
Peewee goes out to look for cans. He found all kinds of cans. He kept looking for cans. He found more and more. Then he sold them to people and he bought his mother a pretty necklace and bracelet and said, "I love you."
by Alicia

Peewee goes out to look for cans. Peewee find a few cans but not enough to buy his mom a gift. Peewee talks Jacob into coming out. They go into the old building. They find enough cans to buy his mom a gift and Jacob is happy now.
by Chris J.

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Diorama by Shawn and Jerremiah

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Diorama by Jimmy