As soon as I arrived in the class, Ms.Kerr gave all of us a pop quiz. Everyone was saying that was unbelievable for the second day of school!

            “Now, now there’s no need to make any faces. It’s a simple test that will quiz your knowledge on equations. As soon as I give you then question paper, please begin,”Ms.Kerr said with a I-expect-everyone-to-do-well- face.

            When the test was over, I knew I had done well. I knew Selena had done well also. By the end of the day, the results came. Can you guess what? I was the only person in that class who scored 100%.Selena had scored 98%.I just couldn’t believe it. I congratulated Selena and she did the same. Math is everywhere. You won't realize it but even doing the simpliest task like getting up in the morning involves math.

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