Project Objective

The objective of this project is to help teachers develop  new literacies into their content area instruction. 
Click HERE for information on new literacies.

NETS for Students

1.  Basic operations and concepts

  • Students are proficient in the use of technology.

2.  Social, ethical, and human issues

  • Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.

3.  Technology productivity tools

  • Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing publications, and producing other creative works.

4.  Technology communications tools

  • Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, interact with peers, experts, and other audiences.


Participants will select a book and read it as a Read Aloud or Shared Reading.   After the book is read, the class will create a different version, new ending, or sequel to the story.  This will be done as a Modeled/Shared Writing or Interactive Writing.  These writing models can be done on paper or with a word processor and projected on a screen.

The teacher will then create a follow-up activity in any content area using Kidspiration.  The written piece and Kidspiration file will be e-mailed to Susan or Pattie for publication.  Click HERE for instructions on how to submit materials for this project.

 One of the goals of this project is to produce a collection of Kidspiration activities that will be SHARED by one and all.  The firm deadline to send in materials is October 31, 2002.  We hope that the Kidspiration collections will be useful as center activities.

This examples should give you a clear picture of the project outcome.
Example 1

Example 2

*Inspiration can also be used but we recommend Kidspiration.  You can get download a thirty day trial version of Kidspiration.

 Grade Levels

This project is designed for K-2 students.

How to Join

Please e-mail  the following information to Susan and Pattie at

  • Your name, e-mail address, URL, school name, town, state, phone number, grade level and book title. 
    We will be accepting 25 participants. 

Project Coordinators

Pattie Knox and Susan Silverman

Previous Projects Coordinated by Pattie and Susan

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