In this photograph, why might the Native Americans be using a train for transportation?

How does this photograph show the change of the Native Americans’ lives and their assimilation into white culture?



 How did the expansion of the railroad in the West cause a boom in industry in the East?


How did this particular railroad, which runs through Arizona, open up the West to settlement and exploration?


How did towns in the west prosper from mining?

How did mining in the West grow as a business, from gold prospectors to large companies?




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Submitted by:
Mr. Hall's 8S Social Studies Class
Buckley Country Day School
Roslyn, New York

STANDARD 1: History of the United States and New York

Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their under-standing of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.

STANDARD 3: Geography Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their under-standing of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live— local, national, and global—including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.

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