
Suggested Activities |
Circulatory System Internet Workshop -
McMullan, a New Literacies Research Team member, created this Internet Workshop.
It is designed to introduce you to the issue of
disease and healthy living as you study the circulatory system. We invite you
to share your discoveries in class as
well as on our
- Human
Body WebQuest Ruth Cipolla, created an excellent WebQuest which
guides students to discover how the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems work
together. The task involves a journey throughout the human body.
Students will illustrate and write about their human body travel
adventures. If you take this journey, share it with us.
The Ride of Their Lives: The "Aortic Rupture" Roller Coaster In
this action packed WebQuest, students will design an activity for the
circulatory system section of an amusement park. It would be our
pleasure to showcase activity models.
Hearts and Worms Did you know that although worms have
no hearts they help medical researchers solve important heart
mysteries? Listen to Christina Petersen talk about her work.
See if you can answer the questions at the bottom of the page.
We are interested in your responses and will publish them on this web
- Heart
Transplant On this Science Netlinks E-Sheet, there are some
thought provoking questions and resources to guide your thinking.
Perhaps you would like to perform a heart transplant in the online
operating theater. Write a review of your experience.
We'll be happy to publish it for you.
- Puffy Head What role does
gravity play in circulation? This hands-on activity will invite
students to investigate this topic. The activity provides students
with examples.
Circulatory System Brochure Contest Work collaboratively
to design an informational brochure detailing the circulatory
system. The winning brochure will be photocopied for the entire
class and a copy will be sent to the local Department of Health as a
student-created resource guide! Teachers: please see the
files to help you with the planning process! Students -- here is
your chance to collaborate with the other classrooms working on the
project! Visit our student blog to post interesting finds, helpful
websites or information that you think would be useful to the other
Internet Resources |
Internet Resources