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Projects- September 2001-2002


Oh, The Places We'll Go!

Project Description:

Students select a "special place" to share with other project classes and write poems in one or two different formats about their place.

Project Coordinator: Marci McGowan

Project Participants- Cheryl Singer, Rachel Wilson, Erica Riccardi, and Iris Lubin

Fairy Tale Cyber Dictionary

Project Description:

The teacher will read a specified fairy tale or folk tale to the students. The students will compose a class "Cyber dictionary" using each letter of the alphabet and relating it to an object in the story e.g. "W" is for wolf. Students will create a picture that will be saved as .gif file.

Project Participants- Lydia Paster,  Cheryl Singer

Project Coordinator: Janet Barnstable

   Revolutionary Connections

Project Description:

Goshen Intermediate School's 4th Grade Students study the Revolutionary War, with a focus on our county’s involvement. Orange County, New York, is rich in Revolutionary War history. During the last school year, we published our research on the web.   For the 2001-2002 school year, we would like to invite other classes, located in areas also rich in Revolutionary War history, to contribute information about their county or town and how it was involved in the Revolutionary War. People, battles, events, and historical sites may all be included. Class research and illustrations will be posted on web pages and linked to all participants' presentations. Illustrations must be original student art or photographs taken by students of local landmarks, avoiding any copyright problems.

Project Coordinator: Sandra Giunta

Kevin O'Donnell's fifth grade class from Boyle Road has joined this project

Story and Book Report Project

Project Description:

The idea of the project is to connect students/classes from various countries around the world to work together in reading books at grade level and writing summary book reports. Each class will read, write and submit via email a book report of their choice for each one of the following genres. (listed on web site) The way the project will work is that each week, we will choose a story from our own libraries that suits the assigned genre headings. We will then read the story as a class and decide on a form of report to be submitted about our chosen story. e.g. formal written including Title, Author, What I liked Best or drawing of favorite character and written expression of favorite part, a story map, etc.

Project Coordinator: Debra L. Falk

Donna Tamburello's third grade class from Boyle Road has joined this project

    Story Writing Project Grades 1-8

Project Description:

The way the project will work is that 6 schools will work together to write a story. When you register your class, I will form a Story Writing Group for you and 5 other classes. Each class will be assigned a one week period in which to write their paragraph and email it to me/or your assigned coordinator during the assigned week. We will then send that paragraph to class two who will write paragraph two and so on..... until the story is completed with paragraph 6. 

Please visit the web site for more information.
Project Coordinator: Debra L. Falk

Miss Sowa's students from Clinton Ave. are participants in this project.

Storyville Math

Project Description:

Participating classes will create literature based math word problems that will be posted on the web. Each week a class set of word problems will be posted to the site. A downloadable worksheet will be included as well the solution in the form of a number sentence and an illustration.

Suggested Ages: Grade 2
Project Coordinators:
Carol Ann Hennessy and Marguerite Miller

    A Kindergarten Potluck

Project Description:

What's cooking in Kindergarten? Come join other classes in creating an online recipe book based upon Potluck by Anne Shelby. Classes would be responsible for submitting a recipe, literature connection, and photo of the finshed product. The finished project would be displayed online!

Project Coordinator: Brandy Newman

Mrs. Stewart's kindergarten class from Terryville  and Mrs. Kadlec kindergarten from Boyle Road are participating in this wonderful project.


Project Description:

A game of survival to identify the Ultimate Internet Warrior School. 20 schools will begin the game and face challenges that test their abilities to integrate advanced technolgy skills with interdisciplinary studies. Warrior Schools compete to gain the sacred feather - which protects them from banishment (2 schools will be banished each week). This 10 week project will test the skills of students and their ability to cooperate with and compete against other schools. The ultimate Warrior school will be the one that is able to survive the challenges it is faced with and outscore the other Warrior schools.

Project Coordinator: Dave Durrant

* Mrs. Bender's Computer Club participated in this project.

First Grade, First Grade What Do You See?

Project Description:

Oakland first grade students are having fun reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and finishing the sentence “I see  (choose a local landmark) looking at me.” We will illustrate our sentence in art class and post some “favorites” to an online "book" from September 1, 2001, through April 30, 2002.  We are inviting other first grades to join us!

Project Coordinator: Linn McDonald

Project Participant: Iris Lubin, first grade teacher, Boyle Road Elementary

Junie B. Jones Favorites

Project Description:

This is for K- 2 classes in love with Junie B. Jones! Announcing a very easy project  to do with your class any time from October 2001 - April 2002.  Read together some of Barbara Park's Junie B. Jones books, select a favorite title, collaborate on a book review, and send to Marci for posting on webpage.   No need to register - just send review when you are ready.  There are some guidelines on writing book reviews on project page.

Project Coordinator: Marci McGowan

Miss Sowa's students from Clinton Ave. will be involved with this project.

Traveling Kids

Project Description:

Students write and illustrate using Kids Pix what they think is the most fun place to visit in their state. Name and address of place must be included along with student's description and best time of year to go to this attraction. Work will be compiled by state and posted on a web page.

Project Coordinator: Cheryl Singer

Jelly  Beans 2002

Project Description: Get a regular size bag of jelly beans. Sort the jelly beans by color and count the number of jelly beans you have for each color. What color did you have the most? E-mail your results to  by April 7, 2002. We will graph the results as they become available. We will also keep track of how many classes are participating in the project and where the classes are located.

Project Coordinator: Debbie Thompson

Pet Census 2001-2001

Project Description:

Now in its 3rd year, the Pet Census is a project that helps teachers integrate the internet and other technology resources in a fun and relaxed context, while providing support and collaboration in an authentic, standards-based learning environment for our students! Teachers are invited to join us in this exciting and challenging data collection experience.

Ages: All Elementary School Grades
Project Coordinator: Paula Don

Classroom Candy Corner

Project Description:

This project hopes to answer the following questions:
How are the colors of M&MŽ ’s distributed?
Are all bags of M&MŽ ’s alike in number and color?

Ages: Upper Primary and Middle School
Project Coordinator: Stephanie MacIntosh

*Miss Florin's students from Clinton Ave. joined this project.

A Special Place in Our Community

Project Description: Second grade classes will exchange 6 monthly class-to-class e-mails on the topics described in the timeline. Email's will be sent to all participating classes and the project coordinator will place the information and pictures on the project web site. This is an opportunity for your class to compare their community to others around the USA

Ages: 6 to 9 years
Project Coordinator: Betty Kistler

Project Participant: Ms. Riccardi, Norwood

Fractured Fairy Tails Project

Project Description: Your class will read a variety of fairy and folk tales, and versions of those familiar tales. Students will then write their own fractured version of their favorite story. Students may work alone, in pairs, in groups, or as an entire class. Submissions must be typed in an e-mail. Classes may submit .jpg or .gif scans of a maximum of five illustrations per class. If other activities are created, students may submit an e-mail summary and electronic examples of those activities also.

Ages: Grades 1-6
Project Coordinator: Susan Nixon

Project Participant: Melissa Aubrey, JFK Middle School, Donna Gardner, Norwood

An Internet Project for First Graders
Winter 2002

Project Description: Classes will read or listen to the reading of a winter book. As a response to the reading, students will write a class poem about the book's theme or about a character in the book. Any poetry form may be used.

Project Coordinator: Marci McGowan
Project Participants: Miss Taormina, Mrs. Lubin, Miss Biagi, Mrs. Pierce, and Mrs. Pesek

That's What Happens When It's Spring     

Project Description: After identifying signs of the new spring season, students will illustrate and write a descriptive poem or paragraph ending with "That's What Happens When It's Spring!"

Project Coordinator: Marci McGowan
Project Participant: Mrs. Cobb

Projects 2000-2001