Cartoon Gallery

The student created political cartoons are linked on this page by topic and grade levels.  I'm sure you will come up with creative ways to use the cartoons.  One suggestion is to print them out and have students create constructed response questions. Make copies of them and you'll have student created homework assignments.  

The cartoons are presented in Adobe® .PDF format and will require you to have the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® Version 5 installed. Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® is free software that lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Click on the icon below to obtain the free Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® if needed.


Current Events

Current Events

Current Events

Historical Events

Vote for Arnold
Grade 7
Mr. Benz

Rebuilding Iraq
Grade 9
Mrs. Brust

Grade 12
Mrs. Alfredo

Women Voting
Grade 8
Mrs. Coppola

Arnold's First Day
Grade 7
Mr. Benz

Pop Goes the Weasel
Grade 9
Mrs. Brust

Grade 12
Mrs. Alfredo

Grade 8
Mrs. Coppola

Osama Bin Laden
Grade 7
Mr. Benz

Spelling Bee
Grade 6
Ms. Russell

Thanksgiving in Iraq
Grade 12
Mrs. Alfredo

Women Voting 2
Grade 8
Mrs. Coppola

Osama Bin Laden
Grade 6
Mrs. McMullan

Uncle Sam
Grade 6
Mrs. McMullan

Peace Proposal
Grade 12
Mrs. Alfredo

Civil Rights
Grade 8
Mrs. Coppola

A Warm Invitation
Grade 5
Mr. Brooks

A Floating Invitation
Grade 5
Mr. Brooks

Grade 12
Mrs. Alfredo

Women Voting 3
Grade 8
Mrs. Coppola

President's Money
Grade 6
Mrs. McMullan

Martha Stewart
Grade 6
Mrs. McMullan

Grade 6
Mrs. McMullan

U.S. Economy
Grade 8
Mrs. Coppola