The three boys were very intimidated.  They kept looking at each other as if they were waiting for someone to save them. 

“Gee, we sure learned a lot in school this year, but I wish Mr. Trillo (their sixth grade teacher) would have taught us what to do in a situation like this,” said Eric.

Frankie asked his two friends if they thought he should go home and tell his brother to come to the park and help them get their ball back. 

“No,” said Andrew quickly. “I know this is basically my fault because I left the ball on the court, but we can do this.”  We’re three of the best athletes from Main Street School! 

“Yeah, your right dude,” said Eric.  

Frankie nodded his head in agreement and at the same the three boys said “Let’s do this!”      

“Okay, you got it,” said Andrew.  We’ll play you for our basketball.  If we win we get our ball back, right? 

One of the members of the Bike Gang stepped forward, and said “Kid, if you win, I’ll buy you ten basketballs”. 

The other three members of the Bike Gang laughed loudly.  One of the kids from the Bike Gang sat out of the game to make the team’s fair. 

“How many points are we playing up to?” asked Frankie. 

“The game is up to seven little man, gotta win by two, said one of the Bike Gang members.

Petey P
Petey P
Mad Max
Mad Max
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