What would happen to our oceans if all the sharks disappeared? Over 100 million sharks are killed each year for their fins. Sharks are killed throughout the world and even the largest fish in the ocean, the Whale shark is still being killed in Asia. There are many misconceptions about sharks. What would happen to our oceans if all the sharks were gone? The purpose of this project is for students to learn how sharks play an essential role on our planet. We hope through education our students will ensure the survival of these fascinating and important fish. Who: Students in grades K-5 (ages 5-10) What:
When: October 1, 2006 - January 31, 2007 Where: Projects should be done in class, the computer lab, media center, and even at home. Why: This project supports state and national learning standards. Our students will be decision makers in the future and the destiny of our planet will be in their hands. We hope they will share information with family and community members, the decision makers of today. How: Send your work to the project coordinators, Susan Silverman and Jennifer Wagner via e-mail to sharkbytes2006@yahoo.com. Include the following:
Registration Information: Please send the following information to Susan and Jennifer at: sharkbytes2006@yahoo.com
Project Coordinators Special thanks to Susan's niece Rebecca for drawing the adorable cleaning sharks. Rebecca will be a ninth grade student at Huntington High School in September 2006. |
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