“One,” Eric shouted. 

He passed the ball to Frankie, and Frankie immediately  passed it back.  Eric went up for the lay-up and scored!  The score was now six to five, the Bike Gang was still winning. 

Andrew took the ball out and called two!  Frankie set the pick, and rolled to receive a perfect pass from Andrew.  Frankie went up with the orange sphere and banked a shot for a point.  Now the score was tied at six to six. 

The Bike Gang called a timeout and soon they were all yelling back and forth amongst themselves.  “We can’t lose to these little kids!” said a few members of the Bike Gang. 

The Bike Gang came back from their time out with a vengeance.  As soon as Andrew was getting ready to take the ball out, a bike gang member grabbed the ball out of his hands, passed the ball to his friend who shot the ball and scored. 

“Hey, that’s unfair!” called Andrew.  “You have to check the ball and let me take it out.” 

However, the cruel Bike Gang teenagers really didn’t care about following the rules.  “Games over buddy!” said the Bike Gang.  “Seven to Six. We win. Now go home and find something else to do.”

That was it.  Suddenly the game was over and the three peaceful boys lost the game and their basketball to a group of immature, rowdy teenagers.

We really lost.  What am I going to tell my brother John? thought Andrew.  The three boys walked off the court with a feeling of disappointment. 

Petey P
Petey P
Mad Max
Mad Max
Print Orientation: Landscape/Horizontal